歡迎來到化學的世界 - 丹尼斯烘焙雞
Jump to 'In the Media' interviewed by mass media in April 2024
Jump to 'Publications' a new book published in Jul 2023; a new journal article published in Oct 2024.
Jump to 'Invited Speaker/Trainer in Professional Development Programs'
Jump to 'High School Outreach'
Jump to 'Courses in Other Tertiary Institutions'
24-Apr-2024 (Wed) Program "On a Clear Day" live phone-call interview (Commercial Radio Hong Kong)
2024-04-24 (星期三) 直播電話訪問 09:30 - 10:00 am
節目重溫 (好像要登記為會員,再申請付費重溫計劃,才可以重溫!)
...為甚麼當紙飲管放入汽水時會產生大量泡沫? 有指環保木餐具在飲品或液體中放久,會有少量泡沫產生,原理為何?
...有一些水溶性分子叫做碳酸(carbonic acid)。它們溶於水並可以緩慢分解成二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)和水分(water)。製造飲管的材料其實可以影響其分解的速率...
...紙的主要化學成分是什麼呢? ...
...木的主要化學成分是什麼呢? 木材放在顯微鏡下看到什麼呢? ...
20-May-2022 (Fri) Goldthread, Goldthread Youtube Channel, Facebook page & Twitter Channel
Goldthread is a digital magazine exploring Chinese culture and food. It features many interesting stories about Chinese culture and introduces Chinese culture to the English-speaking comunnities around the world. More stories can be found on
Goldthread YouTube channel,
Goldthread Facebook page
and Goldthread Twitter Channel.
...... what are the molecular components in Mala (Sichuan numbing spicy) which make it stand out from other tastes ......
Why Is Mala so Addictive? All about This Numbing Spicy Sensation | Facebook Video 18-March-2022, 【STEM@HKUST】 科普長图文, STEM@HKUST information released on HKUST Weixin Official Page
<= Scan using your WeChat APP to follow HKUST Weixin Page!
STEM @ HKUST|舌尖上的化学:食物们的“心动速配指南
7-Feb-2022 (Mon) HKUST STEM@HKUST - Videos
STEM @ hkust - 短片 2022年2月7日
Why something tastes 'hot' even when it is cool? Which molecular components causes this effect? How can we quench the burning sensation?
11-JUNE-2020 (Thu) Apple Daily News (HK), 蘋果日報 【果籽】 2020年6月11日
...... 食物中的葡萄糖經過消化進入血液後,會與體内的蛋白質產生「糖化反應」。這個化學反應的最終產物,稱為Advanced Glycation End Products(AGEs),會改變蛋白質的正常功能......
27-APR-2020 (Monday) STEM @ hkust - 觀點 2020年4月27日 / STEM @ hkust - Insights 2020-4-27
...... 肺炎1號方(現已經改名,稱為透解祛瘟顆粒)的組合成分包括金銀花(Lonicera Japonica)、連翹(Forsythia Suspensa)等十多種傳統中藥材......
* 曾於立場新聞 - 健康版 28/4/2020 轉載.
04-FEB-2020 (Tuesday) STEM @ hkust - 觀點 2020年2月04日 / STEM @ hkust - Insights 2020-2-4
...... 現時尚沒有針對這種疾病的既定治療方法(暫時無藥可醫!)。但這就代表科學家無法對抗這種疾病嗎?......
* School of Science, PRESS RELEASE / 4-FEB-2020
* 曾於立場新聞 - 社會版 5/2/2020 轉載.
24-SEPT-2019 (Tuesday) Applehealth (HK) 健康蘋台 2019年9月24日 or Apple Daily News (HK), 蘋果日報 【果籽】 2019年9月24日
...... 較難從中獲取能量,因此每克抗性澱粉只提供2大卡熱量,比普通澱粉少一半。 抗性澱粉的消化原理和膳食纖維相似......
2-JULY-2019 (Tuesday) Hong Kong Economic Times 香港經濟日報 【即時新聞】 2019年7月2日 "
or HKET facebook link
...... 苯二胺是一種有機化合物,呈固體粉末狀,是由石油提煉而成的副產品......
21-June-2019 STEM @ hkust - 觀點 2019年6月21日 / STEM @ hkust - Insights 2019-6-21
...... 食物配對有什麼原則?...透過科學方法,找出哪些食材和飲品從味道上來説是好的配搭......
20-June-2019: STEM@HKUST - Videos - Rebirth of Foamed Plastic / 2019年6月20日 STEM @ hkust - 視頻 - 發泡膠重生
CLICK here to read the original post 'Rebirth of Foamed Plastic' on STEM@HKUST website.
Foamed plastic is one of the wastes that take the longest time to decompose, but do you know that it can be recycled?
14-May-2019 (Tuesday) Apple Daily News (HK), "蘋果日報 【果籽】 2019年5月14日 "
...... 食物配搭是否「夾」,原來是可以解釋的。 利用化學分析儀器,科學家發現了人類感受味道並用以配搭食物材料的原理......
26-Nov-2018 (Monday) 「香港開電視」 (數碼電視77台) HK Open TV Channel:
[香港追擊搜(Hong Kong Sniper)] 主持: 梁思浩、朱慧珊、周嘉儀、黃紫盈、吳雲甫、馮家俊、麥晴茵、丘雅雯
播出日期: 2018.11.26 (一); 第36集; 時間: 8.30-9.00 PM
...最近有大學生慶祝生日期間,灑麵粉引發粉塵爆炸。粉塵爆炸有多危險? 如何可以避免粉塵爆炸?
12-Oct-2018 STEM @ hkust - 觀點 2018年10月12日 / STEM @ hkust - Insights 2020-2-4
...... 從化學的角度來看,某些處理方法並不能完全解決固體廢物的問題......現代人應該用甚麼方法來處理固體廢物?......
5-July-2018 STEM @ hkust - 觀點 2018年7月5日 / STEM @ hkust - Insights 2018-7-5
...... 火焰之所以能成為引發劑,與火焰的化學成分不無關係。在任何火花或火焰之中,都含有無數納米大小的,稱為自由基的化學成分......
05-Apr-2018 (Thursday) TVB Jade Channel 都市閒情 Pleasure and Leisure
播出日期: 2018.04.05 (四)
10-Jan-2018 (Wednesday) Apple Realtime News (HK), "蘋果即時新聞 【兩岸】 2018年1月10日 "
...... 甲醇是一種易燃易爆的燃料,和空氣混合達到一定比例後會發生爆炸......
10-Jan-2018 (Wednesday) Apple Realtime News (HK), "蘋果即時新聞 【兩岸】 2018年1月10日 "
...... 添加甲醇時,不鏽鋼盆的高溫或者剩餘火種,不僅點着甲醇,同時引爆室內無色的氣體......
12-Sept-2017 (Tuesday) TVB Jade Channel 東張西望 TVB Scoop
播出日期: 2017.09.12 (二)
20-Oct-2016 (Thursday) TVB Jade Channel 都市閒情 Pleasure and Leisure
播出日期: 2016.10.20 (四)
12-Aug-2016 (Friday) Apple Daily News (HK), "蘋果日報 【兩岸國際】 2016年8月12日 "
...... 水果香味的化學物質穩定性較高,所以做到果汁味的杯應該較容易; 但做咖啡味的杯則有難度......
30-May-2016 (Monday) Ming Pao News (HK), 2016-5-30 "明報 副刊 - 健康"
...... 坊間驅蚊產品五花八門......「炔丙菊酯」、「四氟苯菊酯」等......近日蠓亦肆虐,以上方法驅蠓又有效嗎?
30-May-2016 (Monday) Ming Pao News (HK), 2016-5-30 "明報 副刊 - 健康"
...... 防蠓貼士......"為什麼我特別受蚊歡迎?" ...... 人體皮膚所分泌的某些化學物質特別吸引蚊?
26-June-2014 TVB Jade Channel 都市閒情 Pleasure and Leisure
播出日期: 2014.06.26 (四)
. . . 市面上驅蚊產品五花八門,常見的有驅蚊噴霧、驅蚊膏、貼紙及腕帶,各有甚麼優點和缺點?蚊香是較普及的家用驅蚊產品,大致分為傳統燃點式、電子及香薰三種類型,使用時分別有何注意事項?如今有不少手機應用程式,聲稱能透過聲波驅蚊,實際是否有效?不少朋友都會趁暑假來臨出外旅遊,但玩樂時,亦要做足防蚊措施,哪些地區屬蚊患高危地帶?
12 June 2014 Next Magazine (HK), "2014-6-12 第 1266 期, 優質生活版,"嚴防奪命蚊" or Pixnet.net BLOG 嚴防奪命蚊
.... 智選驅蚊產品:想無蚊埋身,當然要隨身帶備驅蚊用品,但市面上的選擇眾多,究竟點揀點用先可安心?
2013 May Apple Daily News (HK), "2013-5-22 蘋果日報 - 港聞 【GREEN】"
2012 November Next Magazine (HK version), 第 1186 期, 優質生活版,"化學洗頭水 愈洗愈頭痕?" 2012-11-29 or Pixnet.net BLOG 化學洗頭水 愈洗愈頭痕?
.... 早前有機構調查指出,不少皮膚護理和美容化妝產品含有有害化學成分,可導致接觸性皮膚炎,嚴重的,更可干擾內分泌 ......
Dec-2019 Exchange with Visitors from Leichester, United Kingdom.
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Explaining the arrangement of practical organic chemistry training here to Dr Richard Blackburn from University of Leichester. |
August-2017 Exchange with Visitors from Shizuoka, Japan.
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Explaining the arrangement of practical organic chemistry training in our University to undergraduate students from Japan. |
March-2017 Exchange with Visitors from Czech Republic, Eastern Europe.
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Explaining the arrangement of practical organic chemistry training in our University to chemical engineer(s) from Czech. |
20-Dec-2022 INNOTECH 2022
Talk title: 「科學與你」之化學
創科博覽2022 - 創科講座 12月20日 (星期二) - 灣仔會議展覽中心
化學是一個廣闊的知識和研究領域。化學在每個人的生活中都發揮著作用,並以某種方式觸及我們日常生活上的幾乎每一個層面。為什麼呢?化學對於滿足人們的基本需求 – 包括我們對衣服、食物保健、醫藥、住屋、材料、能源、環境(空氣、水和土壤)的需求 – 至關重要。化學技術能為各個問題提供新的解決方案,從而豐富我們的生活質素。因此,學習化學有助瞭解我們的世界,也為科技創新提供了穩健的基礎!
Acknowledgement: thanks for HK Metropolitan University in reproducing this video clip on Youtube "HKMU Channel"
Panel discussion: 'The support and challenges in science communication', 20-May-2021
* Training : “Professional Development Programme on Chemical Laboratory Safety and Management in Secondary Schools” - Jan 2019 & June 2019
* Teacher training : "SS Learning and Teaching Strategies: Materials Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry" - Jan 2016
* Teacher training : "Chemistry for Control of Insect-Borne Infectious Diseases" - June 2015
* Teacher training : "Using Classroom Response System to Enhance Learning in Chemistry" - July 2012
* Teacher training : "Common Misconceptions in the Chemistry Curriculum" - June 2012
* Teacher training : "Chemistry of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - December 2011
* Teacher training : "Workshops for Organic Synthesis and Extraction & Analytical Chemistry" - June 2011
28-Apr-2019 HK Sci Fest 2019
Seminar Do Chemists Take Traditional Chinese Medicine? 化學家會吃中藥嗎? {香港科學館一樓演講廳}
How do scientists search for the “magic bullets” in traditional Chinese herbs that can cure diseases? Using typical examples, this lecture explains the partnership between chemists, life scientists and Chinese medical doctors and how they work together to fight against life-threatening diseases.
12-Dec-2014 Learning and Teaching Expo 2014
Seminar How Innovative Teaching and Technology Help Student's Understanding in Chemistry Class?
Chemistry is one of the most popular elective subjects in high schools. Students need to equip themselves with both scientific and experimental knowledge before they enter university for their advanced studies . . . Our focus is students' understanding on abstract concepts in Chemistry . . . How can innovation in teaching help? How can modern technology help?
化學的探究研習 - 學習活動示例 Investigative Study in Chemistry - Exemplars of Learning and Teaching Activities
Investigative Study in Chemistry - Examplars of L & T activities
Synthesis of Benzoic Acid from Ethyl Benzoate - A Microscale Approach
Basic hydrolysis of Ethyl benzoate /苯甲酸乙酯加鹼水解
Chemistry Dept, The HK University of Sci & Tech Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,
Clearwater Bay, HONG KONG, People's Republic of China. * "CHEM4689 Capstone projects" * "CHEM4550 Advanced Synthetic Chemistry Lab" * "CHEM4555 Advanced Molecular Characterization Lab" * "CHEM4250 Materials Preparation Lab" * "CHEM4255 Materials Characterization Lab" * "CHEM4150 Biomolecular Synthesis Lab"; * "CHEM4155 Biomolecular Characterization Lab"; * "CHEM3610 Chemistry Internship"; Click here to enter CHEM3610 website (CAS login required, for CHEM undergrad) => * "CHEM2550 Synthetic Chemistry Lab I" * "CHEM3550 Synthetic Chemistry Lab II" * "CHEM2155 Fundamental Organic Chemistry Lab" * "CHEM2150 Organic Chemistry Lab" * "CHEM2250 Inorganic Chemistry Lab" * "CHEM4110 Structural Elucidation in Organic Chemistry"; [3-year program] * "CHEM2558 Synthetic Laboratory I"; [3-year program] * "CHEM2151 Organic Chemistry Lab"; [3-year program] * "CHEM1002 Intro. to Chemistry of Cosmetics"; * "SISP1102 Chemistry in the Modern World" [summer prog for high school students, * "CHEM1055 Laboratory for General Chem II" since 2013 * "CHEM1050 Laboratory for General Chem I" since 2012 * "Chemists Online" series by Hong Kong Virtual University (HKVU) 2008 * Coordinator / Judge in annual HK Chemistry Olympiads for Tertiary Institutions since 2007
SCI-Lunch": The Truth About Beauty (SCIE1000 selective activity) Does the chemical formulation in cosmetics or skin care products protect or hurt your skin?
* e-Campus Today Vol. 239, '第 51 屆聯校科學展'
* 2018-8-22 News report from HKCNA 香港中國通訊社2018-8-22新聞稿 * e-zone @ U Lifestyle 反思科學影響 展現創新科技(一), 2018-9-2 Photo taken with Project Affairs Department Director, The 49th JSSE Preparation Committee The annual Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE) organised by the 47th Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee (JSSEPC) will be held in late August 2014. The programme has already begun with a series of activities.
Students were encouraged to submit proposals demonstrating their creativity in achieving breakthroughs using existing domestic products to improve life at home through their innovative inventions. Schools with the most outstanding proposals will be selected by an adjudicating panel, comprising professors and professionals, to exhibit at the JSSE.
From 2007 to 2011: Enrichment Prog for Gifted Learners (EPGL), Education Development Program, School of Science, HKUST Since 2012: EPGL, Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented, HKUST. "C101 Molecular Science in Food & Beverages"; Understanding of food and beverages commonly refers to delicacies and culinary art. What is a scientist’s viewpoint in a molecular approach?
Color, taste and aroma of just a hot cup of tea - there are indeed quite a lot of knowledge behind. Topics include molecular science of bio-fuel, food colors, minerals, tastes and aromas.
Concept of molecular synthesis will also be introduced. Participants will have the opportunity of taking part in experiments that connect some chemical concepts covered in class. "C102 Molecular Science of Personal Care Products(previously named as 'Molecular Science of Cosmetic Products')"
"C104 探索草藥中的奧秘 ─ 中藥化學 Exploring Magic Bullets in Chinese Herbs – Chemistry of Traditional Chinese Medicine" 服用天然草本精華和草藥已成為一種養生潮流。但是科學家如何尋找草藥中的「奧秘」?從化學家的分子觀角度來探索中草藥的神奇成分和化學分子,並對它們的有機化學作基本的了解。 Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented, School of Science, HKUST * Sec.Sch.-HKUST Dual Program, Level 1 "Introductory Chemistry" * Sec.Sch.-HKUST Dual Program, Level 2 "General Chemistry"
School of Chinese Medicine, Chinese University of H K ... Spring 2006, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2010, fall 2010, spring 2012 & fall 2012 * "BCME6611 Pharmaceutical Analysis 藥物分析"; * "BCME6612 Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica 中藥化學"
Division of Chinese Medicine, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
... Springs of 2005, 2009, 2010 & 2011; fall 2011; fall 2014 * "Analytical Chemistry"; * "Intro to Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica"
This is me: CHAN, Ho-wai Dennis
陳 浩 懷 B.Sc. (CUHK); Ph.D. (CUHK)
HKUST - Adjunct Associate Professor, since Nov 2019.
HKUST - Senior Manager (Laboratory), since Apr 2019.
HKUST - Assistant Project Manager, Feb 2014 - Mar 2019.
E-mail: chanhw@ust.hk or dennis.chan@ust.hk
Courses (now teaching or taught in the past)
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2015 fall;
since 2014
since 2021;
since 2015;
since 2016 spring;
from 2015 spring to 2020 fall;
from 2015 spring to 2020 fall;
since 2009 spring (previously known as 'CHEM002 Introduction to Cosmetic Molecular Science')
since 2011] as one of the courses in HKUST Summer Institute
April-2014 School of Science Office of Academic Advising and Support
Appearance in High School Outreach
HKUST Info Day 2022 (face-to-face physical info day)
5-Nov-2022: Live demonstrations with my Chemistry colleagues
HKUST Virtual Info Day 2020
Sept 2020: The Making of Promotional Film for School of Science, HKUST
Aug-2018: Officating Guest of the Opening Ceremony of
51st Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE)
Feb-2016: Supervisor of the Proposal Supervising Scheme of the 50th Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE)
Feb-2015: Supervisor of the Proposal Supervising Scheme of the 49th Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE)
Aug-2014: Adjudicator in 47th Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE)
EPGL - Course Instructor (since 2007)
CDGT - Course Instructor (since 2011)
CUHK - Part-time Lecturer (M.Sc. in Chin. Med. and Herbal Drugs)
HKU-SPACE - Part-time Teacher (B.Sc. in Chin. Med. & Adv. Dip. in Chin. Med. Disp.)
This is a new book written for general public and high school students. Based on everyday life experience, using perspective of a chemist, how cosmetic products work for us and how cosmetic products can be used in appropriate ways? There are many misunderstanding and rumours about cosmetics. That's why we need to explore using a scientific viewpoint!
* 花千樹出版 Arcadia Press 《美容正道,化學教路 —— 化妝品的成分與化學原理》 《Cosmetic Ingredients and Their Chemical Principles》
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Guanrui Pan, Hei-Tak Tse, Ho-Wai Chan, and Wan Chan* (2024)
"Using 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)thiazolidine-4-carboxylic Acid as a Novel Biomarker for 2-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile Exposure", Chemical Research in Toxicology 2024, XXX, XXX-XXX. Chemical Research in Toxicology => Impact Factor 4.10 (as in 2022)... the development of a novel biomarker for 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS) gas exposure. Using liquid chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, we found that CS underwent rapid hydrolysis into 2-chlorobenzaldehyde (2-CBA), a highly reactive intermediate that reacted swiftly with endogenous cysteine (Cys) and Cys residues in proteins... Chemical Research in Toxicology 2024, XX, X, XXX-XXX. ABSTRACT |
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Yat-Hing Ham, Guanrui Pan, Ho Wai Chan, and Wan Chan* (2022)
"LC-MS/MS Quantitation of Formaldehyde–Glutathione Conjugates as Biomarkers of Formaldehyde Exposure and Exposure-Induced Antioxidants: A New Look on an Old Topic", Chemical Research in Toxicology 2022, 35(5), pp 858-866. Chemical Research in Toxicology => Impact Factor 4.10 (as in 2022)... data showed that these exposure-induced adducts exhibited good antioxidative properties, which can protect cells from hydrogen peroxide mediated oxidative insult... Chemical Research in Toxicology 2022, 35, 5, 858-866. ABSTRACT |
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Guanrui Pan, Yat-Hing Ham, Ho-Wai Chan, Jing Yao*, and Wan Chan* (2020)"LC-MS/MS Coupled with a Stable-Isotope Dilution Method for the Quantitation of Thioproline-Glycine: A Novel Metabolite in Formaldehyde- and Oxidative Stress-Exposed Cells", Chemical Research in Toxicology 2020, 33(7), pp 1989-1996. Chemical Research in Toxicology => Impact Factor 3.739 (in 2020)...a variety of GSH-derived thiazolidine metabolites may serve as potential biomarkers for formaldehyde exposure... Chemical Research in Toxicology 2020, 2020, 33, 7, 1989–1996. ABSTRACT |
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Wan Chan*, Yat-Hing Ham, Long Jin, Ho-Wai Chan, Yee Lam Wong, Chi Kong Chan, and Pui-Yin Chung (2019)"Quantification of a Novel DNA-Protein Crosslink Product Formed by Reacting Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Sites in DNA with Cysteine Residues in Protein by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Coupled with the Stable Isotope-Dilution Method", Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91, 8, 4987-4994. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91, 8, 4987-4994. ABSTRACT Analytical Chemistry => Impact Factor 6.986 (in 2020) |
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Wing Chi Chan, Dennis Ho Wai Chan, Kin Wo Lee, Wing Shan Tin, Ho Ning Wong, Richard K. Haynes* (2018)"Evaluation and optimization of synthetic routes from dihydroartemisinin to the alkylamino-artemisinins artemiside and artemisone: A test of N-glycosylation methodologies on a lipophilic peroxide", Tetrahedron 2018, 74(38), pp 5156-5171. Tetrahedron => Impact Factor 2.457 (in 2020)Tetrahedron 2018, 74(38), pp 5156-5157. ABSTRACT |
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Weiwei Li, Chi-Kong Chan, Yee-Lam Wong, K.K. Jason Chan, Ho Wai Chan and Wan Chan* (2018)"Cooking methods employing natural anti-oxidant food additives effectively reduced concentration of nephrotoxic and carcinogenic aristolochic acids in contaminated food grains", Food Chemistry 2018, 264, pp 270-276. Food Chemistry => Impact Factor 7.514 (in 2020)... the addition of healthy dietary supplements during cooking is a highly efficient method in lowering the concentration of aristolochic acids ... Food Chemistry 2018, 264, pp 270-276. ABSTRACT |
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Yinan Wang, Ho-Wai Chan and Wan Chan* (2016)"Facile Formation of DNA Adduct of Semicarbazide in Reaction with Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Sites in DNA", Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016, 29(5), pp 834-840. Chemical Research in Toxicology => Impact Factor 3.739 (in 2020)... demonstrated for the first time SEM reacts rapidly with apurinic/apyrimidinic sites in an endogenous DNA lesion ... Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016, 29(5), pp 834-840. ABSTRACT |
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Yuanjiao Li, Jingjing Liu, Yajie Wang, Ho Wai Chan, Lianrong Wang and Wan Chan* (2015)"Mass Spectrometric and Spectrophotometric Analyses Reveal an Alternative Structure and a New Formation Mechanism for Melanin", Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87: 15, pp.7958-7963. Analytical Chemistry => Impact Factor 6.986 (in 2020)... investigated the formation mechanism and chemical structure of melanin that results from the self-assembly of l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA) ... Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87:15, pp.7958-7963. ABSTRACT |
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Richard K. Haynes*, Kwan-Wing Cheu, Ho-Wai Chan, Ho-Ning Wong, Ka-Yan Li, Maggie Mei-Ki Tang, Min-Jiao Chen, Zu-Feng Guo, Zhi-Hong Guo, Kumar Sinniah, Amanda B. Witte, Dr. Paolo Coghi, Diego Monti (2012)"Interactions between Artemisinins and other Antimalarial Drugs in Relation to the Cofactor Model – A Unifying Proposal for Drug Action", ChemMedChem 2012, 7: 12, pp.2204-2226. ChemMedChem => Impact Factor of 3.466 (in 2020)... The antagonism exerted by 4-aminoquinolines (e.g. piperaquine) and the additivity/synergism exerted by arylmethanols (e.g. quinine) on the antimalarial activities of MB, riboflavin, and artemisinins correlates with the inhibition of oxidation by artemisinins of LMB, reduced flavins by the quinolines, and lack of any effect on the oxidation by arylmethanols; it further allows proposal for a unifying mechanism of action... ChemMedChem 2012, 7:12, pp.2204-2226. ABSTRACT |
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Judith H Waknine-Grinberg; Nicholas Hunt; Annael Bentura-Marciano; James A McQuillan; Ho-Wai Chan; Wing-Chi Chan; Yechezkel Barenholz; Richard K Haynes; Jacob Golenser (2010)"Artemisone effective against murine cerebral malaria", Malaria Journal 2010, 9: 227. ... Artemisone was the most efficient drug tested, and could prevent death even when administered at relatively late stages of cerebral pathogenesis. ... Malaria Journal, 2010, 9:227 OpenAccess |
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Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Lung, C. M.; Ng, N. C.; Wong, H. N., Shek, L. Y., Williams, I.D.; Cartwright, A.; Gomes, M. F. (2007)"Artesunate and Dihydroartemisinin (DHA): Unusual Decomposition Products Formed under Mild Conditions and Comments on the Fitness of DHA as an Antimalarial Drug",ChemMedChem 2007, 2(10), pp. 1448-1463. ChemMedChem => Impact Factor of 3.466 (in 2020)... thermal degradation of DHA reveals a thermal lability which would pose a problem not only in relation to ICH stability testing guidelines, but in the use of DHA in fixed formulations currently under development. ...
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Haynes, R. K.; Fugmann, B.; Stetter, J.; Rieckmann, K.; Heilmann, H.D.; Chan, H.-W.; Cheung, M.-K.; Lam, W.-L.; Wong, H.-N.; Croft, S. L.; Vivas, L.; Rattray, L.; Stewart, L.; Peters, W.; Robinson, B. L.; Edstein, M. D.; Kotecka, B.; Beckermann, B.; Gerisch, M.; Radtke, M.; Schmuck, G.; Steinke, W.; Wollborn, U.; Schmeer, K.; Roemer, A. (2006)COVER PAGE STORY!! "Artemisone - A Highly Active Antimalarial Drug of the Artemisinin Class",Angewante Chemie Internatinal Edition 2006, 45, pp. 2082-2088. Angewante Chemie Internatinal Edition => Impact Factor of 15.336 (in 2020)...Efficacies of artemisone against the malaria parasite are substantially greater than those of the current artemisinin gold standard ... |
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Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Ho, W.-Y.; Ko, C. K.-F.; Gerena, L.; Kyle, D. E.; Peters, W.; Robinson, B. L. (2005)ChemBioChem => Impact Factor 3.164 (in 2020)...an economical phase-transfer method is used to prepare antimalaria-active artemisinin derivatives... |
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Haynes, R. K.; Ho, W. Y.; Chan, H.-W.; Fugmann, B.; Stetter, J.; Croft, S. L.; Vivas, L.; Peters, W.; Robinson, B. L. (2004)"Highly Antimalarial-Active Artemisinin Derivatives: Biological Activity does not Correlate with chemical Reactivity",Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, pp. 1381-1385. Angewante Chemie Internatinal Edition => Impact Factor of 15.336 (in 2020)...several antimalaria-active trioxanes cannot obviously generate C-centered radicals......evidence suggests that binding of the artemisinin to a specific target is involved... |
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Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Cheung, M.-K.; Chung, S.-T.; Lam, W.-L.; Tsang, H.-W.; Voerste, A.; Williams, I. D. (2003)"Stereoselective Preparation of 10alpha- and 10beta-Aryl Derivatives of Dihydroartemisinin",European J. Org. Chem. 2003, pp. 2098-2114. [Abstract] Eur J Org Chem => Impact Factor 3.021 (in 2020)The stereochemistry of the Lewis acid-catalysed arylations, which is common to that observed for the Lewis acid-catalysed arylation of pyranosyl glycosides with axial anomeric leaving groups in general, may be rationalized in terms of axial attack from the Si face of the half-chair oxonium ion intermediate. On the other hand, the Grignard reagents activate the axial bromide to elimination through complexation, and thereby the aryl nucleophile attacks the incipient oxonium ion from the Re face. |
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Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Cheung, M.-K.; Lam, W.-L.; Soo, M.-K.; Tsang, H.-W.; Voerste, A.; Williams, I. D. (2002)"C-10 Ester and Ether Derivatives of Dihydroartemisinin-10alpha-Artesunate, Preparation of Authentic 10beta-Artesunate, and of Other Ester and Ether Derivatives Bearing Potential Aromatic Intercalating Groups at C-10",European J. Org. Chem. 2002, pp. 113-132. [Abstract] Eur J Org Chem => Impact Factor 3.021 (in 2020)Preparative and stereochemical aspects of reactions providing new C-10 ester and ether derivatives of the antimalarial drug dihydroartemisinin have been examined. beta-Artesunate has been prepared for the first time, and has been differentiated from the antimalarial alpha-artesunate ...... New ester and ether derivatives bearing potential intercalating groups have been synthesised by means of the Schmidt, Mitsunobu and DCC coupling procedures, by acylation in the presence of DMAP, or by hydroxy activation with BF3 as catalyst. |
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Liu, J.-H.; Chan, H.-W.; Wong, H. N. C. (2000)"Highly Regioselective Synthesis of 3,4-Disubstituted 1H-Pyrrole",J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, pp.3274-3283. J Org Chem => Impact Factor 4.354 (in 2020)which reached a citation frequency of 48 (up to Jan 2003), including those by two recent reviews (Hassan, J. et al "Aryl-Aryl Bond Formation One Century after the Discovery of the Ullmann Reaction" Chemical Reviews 2002, 102 pp.1359-1469 & Ferreira, V.F. et al "Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Pyrroles", Organic Preparations and Procedures International 2001, 33 p.411-) |
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Liu, J.-H.; Chan, H.-W.; Xue, F.; Wang, Q.-G.;Mak, T. C. W. and Wong, H. N. C.  (1999)"Generation and Trapping Reactions of 1-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-3,4-didehydro-1H-pyrrole",J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, pp. 1630-1634. J Org Chem => Impact Factor 4.354 (in 2020)which is cited by a recent review writen by international experts in hypervalent iodine compounds (Zhdankin, V. V.; Stang, P.J. "Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Polyvalent Iodine Compounds" Chemical Reviews 2002, 102 p.2523-2584 & Wirth, T. et al "Hypervalent Iodine Compounds: Recent Advances in Synthetic Applications" Synthesis-Stuttgart 1999 (8) p.1271-1287) |
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Chan, H.-W.; Chan, P.-C.; Liu, J.-H. and Wong, H. N. C.  (1997)"3,4-Bis(trimethylsilyl)-1H-pyrrole: a Versatile Building Block for Unsymmetrically 3,4-Disubstituted Pyrroles", Chem. Commun. 1997,pp. 1515-1516. Chem Commun => Impact Factor 6.222 (in 2020)which is cited by review articles on synthetic methodology of pyrroles (Ferreira, V.F. et al "Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Pyrroles", Organic Preparations and Procedures International 2001, 33 p.411- & Gilchrist, T.L. "Synthesis of Aromatic Heterocycles" Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1 1999,(20) p.2849-2866). |
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Jones, R. L.; Qian, Y.-M.; Wong, H. N. C.; Chan, H.-W.; Yim, A. P. C.  (1997)"Prostanoid Action on the Human Pulmonary Vascular System", Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol.. 1997, 24(12), pp. 969-972. Impact Factor 2.372 (in 2014)
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Jones, R. L.; Qian, Y.-M.; Wise, H.; Wong, H.N. C.; Lam, W.-L.; Chan, H.-W.; Yim, A. P. C.; Ho, J. K. S.  (1997)"Relaxant Actions of Nonprostanoid Prostacyclin Mimetics on Human Pulmonary Artery", J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 1997, 29(4), pp.525-535. Impact Factor 2.904 (in 2014)
1. | Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Lam, W.-L.; Tsang, H.-W.; Hsiao, W.-L."Preparation of artemisinin derivatives for use as antitumor agents",PCT Int. Appl. WO 2000004026 A1, 27 Jan 2000, 152 pp. |
2. | Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Lam, W.-L.; Tsang, H.-W."Synthesis and antiparasitic activity of artemisinin derivatives (endoperoxides)"PCT Int. Appl. WO 2000004025 A1, 27 Jan 2000, 61 pp. |
3. | Haynes, R. K.; Chan, H.-W.; Lam, W.-L.; Tsang, H.-W.; Cheung, M.-K."Synthesis and antiparasitic activity of artemisinin derivatives (endoperoxides)"PCT Int. Appl. WO 2000004024 A1, 27 Jan 2000, 91 pp. |
4. | Haynes, R. K.; Lam, W.-L.; Chan, H.-W.; Tsang, H.-W."Preparation of artemisinin derivatives for treating malaria, neosporosis and coccidiosis" Eur. Pat. Appl. EP 974354 A1, 26 Jan 2000, 26 pp. |
5. | Haynes, R. K.; Lam, W.-L.; Chan, H.-W.; Tsang,H.-W."Preparation of artemisinin derivatives as antiinfective agents" Eur.Pat. Appl. EP 974594 A1, 26 Jan 2000, 22 pp. |
The First Enlightenments |
I got my B.Sc. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香 港 中 文 大 學 ) in the early 90's and decided to further my studies in the field of synthetic organic chemistry in Department of Chemistry in the same university. Accordingly, having been working on a project related to pharmacology of prostaglandin I2 mimetics, I worked closely with international experts - Prof. Robert Leslie JONES (who is specialized in prostaglandin pharmacology and is now Emeritus Prof of pharmacologgy in School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK, and was affiliated with Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences) and Prof. Henry Nai Ching WONG (who is specialized in synthetic organic chemistry, development of novel synthetic strategies). |
The Story of Prostacyclin Receptor |
Prostaglandin I2 (also known as PGI2 or prostacyclin) is a naturally-occurring substance produced inside our body. The natural receptor responding to this substance is called prostacyclin receptor or IP-receptor. The natural agonist 'prostacyclin' is best known for its ability to prevent the clumping of blood platelets and to increase blood flow through tissues. However, it is also a powerful stimulant of sensory nerve endings. Released with prostaglandin E2 at the site of inflammation, it can cause redness, heat, swelling and pain. Owing to its effect on such a wide variety of pharmacological responses, identification of any achiral IP-receptor agonist, partial agonist or antagonist must have much pharmacological implications. In-depth investigations on the matter of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) could allow us to develop more cost-effective cardiovascular pharmaceuticals. |
What is an agonist and what is an antagonist? |
New Synthetic Strategy in Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Substantially involved in the organic synthesis of potential prostacyclin receptor antagonists (research highlights) using a wide-variety of synthetic strategy and modern synthetic technology, series of targeted achiral heterocyclic compounds have been actualized. Recently, a partial agonist which is achiral and structurally-different from the prostacyclin has been identified in this study. In the way to successfully syntheses of targeted molecules, a new synthetic methodology involving the use of organoboroxines, reactive arylsilane and hypervalent iodine compound has been substantially explored. These years' intensive research experiences rendered me a Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997 (the year Hongkong re-unified to People's Republic of China). |
Interaction with Pharmaceutical Industry |
Thereafter, I joined in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. Do you know what industrial guys want is not only cost-effectiveness, but also efficiency and quality? The word 'quality' has been the most popular amongst bosses' instructions to his subordinates. Since the Asia's recent dramatic change in the economic conditions, Hongkong capitalists has realized that attractive prices is no more applicable to all 'Made in Hong Kong' products. Improving the quality of products by means of quality assurance practices is the ultimate goal of all successful enterpreneurs. That is, careful investigations along with innovative problem-solving skills is the most demanded quality of an applause-winning technical staff. In the last decade, various countries have been competing in the modernization of traditional Chinese medicines. Based on Hongkong people's knowledge on traditional Chinese medicines (of course, more than 90% of Hongkongese are Chinese and knows a lot on use of TCM) and our extensive experiences in advanced manufacturing technology, our local pharmaceutical industry certainly gets extra-competativeness even in an international context. In light of this advantage, Department of Health of the Hongkong SAR government has recently imposed a series of standards and regulations in parallel to the upgrades of the quality of local pharmaceutical industries. This also paved a highway for the furture's rapid modernization of traditional Chinese medicine within the Pearl River Delta area, which is one of the top agendas in the mission of building up Hongkong's Hi-Tech industry. |
"We (Hong Kong and Shanghai) are just like two engines of an aircraft taking off now in the 21st Century, taking the country into [the role of] an economic super power in the next 10 years or so." "Shanghai is working with the Yangtze River Basin while Hong Kong is working with the Pearl River Delta. ..... In terms of strength, attainment, growth potential, the Pearl River Delta has always been ahead of Shanghai together with the Yangtze River Basin. And it'll continue to be the case." "the days of over-dependence on property and asset-priced inflation are behind us. We must concentrate on innovation, technology, logistics and services if we are to compete as a knowledge-based economy." Chief Secretary for Administration Donald Tsang (The Business Week 11th Annual Asia Leadership Forum, 26-Jun-2002 ) "成 本 高 不 是 問 題 , 最 重 要 是 回 報 率 ......要 保 持 這 種 優 勢 , 香 港 必 須 不 斷 提 高 生 產 力 , 抵 消 高 昂 的 成 本 。 "人 力 資 源 管 理 學 會 外 務 總 監 吳 克 儉 (9-July2002,明報) |
The Molecule that Can Help the Third World |
Since late 90's, I have been taking part in active research on traditional Chinese medicine in Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology where a programme on development of drugs for fighting malaria. I was involved in the design and synthesis of artemisinin-related antimalarial and antiparasitic agents. Malaria is by far the world's most important tropical parasitic disease, and kills more people than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. Qinghaosu (also known as artemisinin) was isolated from the Chinese herb qing hao (青 蒿 Artemisia annua).The compound is especially active against multidrug resistant falciparum malaria, and the World Health Organization has a number of programmes aimed at optimizing use of this drug and its derivatives for clinical use against malaria. Activities were under way which include the mapping of the mode of action, the preparation of new derivatives, and evaluation of cytotoxicities against a number of cell lines. In these years I worked with internationally-renowned specialist on malaria and pharmaceutical chemistry: Prof. Richard Kingston HAYNES 韓 利 強 教 授 , who is now in Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences, North-West University, South Africa. He has kept inspiring me by unlimited imagination and kept me updated with invaluable knowledge on the state-of-art technology in modern pharmaceutical development programmes. Since 1995, the German Pharmaceutical giant - Bayer AG started to sponsor our investigations into the development of antimalarial drugs based on our new findings on qinghaosu derivatives. The collaboration between Bayer AG and HKUST further tightened in 1998 onwards - witnessed by the setting-up of the HKUST-Bayer Research Laboratory. Recently, our research project has been also collaborating with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), which is an independent not-for-profit foundation aiming to develop new, effective and affordable anti-malarial drugs. This encouraging news has been reported in Genesis issued in Nov 2001. ![]() |
BELOW: Crystals of an active ingredient in Qinghao - Artistic or Scientific? ![]() |
BELOW: Three-dimensional illustration of PM3 energy-minimized space-filling model of qinghaosu
[ABOVE: blue=carbon; red=oxygen; green=hydrogen]
Thereafter, since the new millenium, I was involved intensively in the teaching of practical synthetic chemistry. Our synthetic targets include not only organics, but also organometallic (eg. ferrocene derivatives) and other interesting compounds! More can be found HERE.
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This is the family of Chemistry Department! Such a large family! Do you know where I am? Where is Prof Chang? How about Prof. Haynes?
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